Mystical Banana/Might of the Pumpkin

There is a new feature hidden on the Webosaurs Island and it will let you throw bananas! My guide will help you unlock this new feature and teach you how to use it!

First you need to get to the Arcade Room which can be accessed by using the map or in the Gushing Geyser and the Sanoran Sands.

Second you need to click the Mystical Banana which is shown by the arrow below in the picture to unlock the Banana throwing feature.

To use the Banana feature you need to select the Banana icon which is on the right menu bar under the Catalog icon.

To throw the banana simply just press anywhere with your target reticle and click the mouse button to throw a banana.

To get the pumpkin throwing feature go to the Sub-Alpine Forest and head into the Camposaurus Canvas Tent.

There will be a Pumpkin boiling in a pot and click it to unlock the Might of the Pumpkin feature.

Your new feature will be in your menu bar and you will be now able to have fun throwing pumpkins just like throwing bananas!

Thanks for viewing my guide about unlocking the Mystical Banana and the Might of the Pumpkin feature and I hope it helped!

- FireIce

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